1. 原稿の構成
1) 表紙
2) 要旨および英文summary
3) キーワードおよび英文key words
4) 本文
5) 引用文献
6) 図および表
1) 表紙
2) 本文
3) 引用文献
4) 図および表
なお,臨症事例および解説にあっては,要旨と英文summary,キーワードと英文key wordsを付すことができる.
2. 原稿の体裁・表記
・A4判用紙を縦長に使い,1枚につき上下左右3 cm程度の余白をとり,横30字×縦20行程度に整え,行番号を振る.ただし,臨症事例あるいは速報の原稿を,編集部が用意したWord用テンプレートを用いて作成する場合は,この限りでない.
・句読点には全角の「.」および「,」を用いる.・動物・植物などの和名はカタカナ書きとし,学名はイタリック(斜体)とする.植物栽培品種名はシングルクォーテーション(‘ ’)で括る.
3. 表紙
1) 原稿種別(論文,短報,臨症事例,速報,総説,解説,ニュース,書評など).
2) 表題および英文表題.
3) 著者名,所属,およびそれらの英文表記.責任著者の電子メールアドレス.
4) 責任著者の氏名と連絡先住所,電話番号,ファックス番号.(編集部からの連絡に供するもので記事には掲載されない)
4. 要旨
(例) 田沢一郎・八幡万( )田沢湖周辺のブナ林における腐朽病害調査 樹木医学研究
Ichiro Tazawa and Taira Hachiman ( ) Rot survey in beech forests around Lake Tazawa. Tree and Forest Health
5. キーワード
・5語以内のキーワードと,それぞれに対応する英文key wordsを記す.
6. 本文
7. 引用文献
・本文中での引用は「著者姓(発表年)」あるいは事項に「(著者姓 発表年)」のように引用する.[括弧は全角,括弧と本文の間に空白なし] 著者が2名の場合は「著者姓・著者姓」,「Author & Author」,3名以上の場合は「著者姓ら」,「Author et al.」のようにする.
・記載方法は以下の例に従う.オンラインジャーナルおよび印刷中の文献でDOIが付与されている場合はそれを記す. 著者が多数の場合も全員の名前を記す.速報においては慣例に従って雑誌名を略してもよい.
Hachiman T (2022) The root development in Chestnut. Tree and Disease (online) DOI: 10.xxxxx/treedisease.xxxx
岩手盛夫(1997)イシワリザクラの外科手術.樹木医学研究 1:10-16 [括弧,「,.」は全角]
Iwate M, Yabu D (1997) Changes in water potential in leaves of declining oak trees. Tree and Forest Health 1 (2):25-31 [(号)は同一巻の各号でページ立てが独立の場合のみ]
田沢一郎・八幡 平(1997)田沢湖周辺のブナ林における腐朽病害調査.樹木医学研究 1:20-27
Yabu D (1997) Diseases of trees and shrub in Tohoku district. Tohoku Press
山中美由紀・由利 真(1998)緑化樹病害.220-300(三島良夫編,緑化樹の育成と管理.三省堂)
8. 図表
9. 投稿方法
Manuscript Composition: Manuscripts should be arranged in the following order: (1) title page, (2) summary, (3) key words, (4) text, (5) references, (6) tables and figures and (7) digest in Japanese. Summary, key words and references are not required for manuscripts of Case Reports and Others.
Format: Manuscripts should be formatted with 3-cm margins, 20 lines per page on A4-sized (21.0 × 29.7 cm) paper. Scientific names of organisms should be italicized and the cultivar epithet should be written within single quotes. The metric system and preferentially SI units should be used.
Title page: The first page of a manuscript should contain the following items: (1) article type (Original Article, Short Communication, Case Report, Review, Interpretive Article, Record, or News), (2) title of the article, (3) full name(s) and affiliation(s) of author(s), (4) the name, full postal address, e-mail address, telephone and facsimile numbers of the corresponding author. Each item should be written in both English and Japanese.
Summary: The summary should not exceed 200 words including the name of the author(s) and the title of the article. The summary should be given in a paragraph, and should not contain any figure, table, reference or mathematical equation.
Key words: A maximum of five key words in English and the corresponding Japanese terms should be provided.
Text: The text of the articles should be divided into the following sections, as appropriate: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion.
References: The reference list should include only papers cited in the text and should be arranged alphabetically by the last name of the first author of each paper. Cite reference in the text by the surname of the author with the year of publication enclosed in parentheses. Articles in press and references that are only available online can be cited by the Digital Object Identifier (DOI).
Use the following examples to prepare the reference list:
Hachiman T (2022) The root development in Chestnut. Tree and Disease (online) DOI: 10.xxxxx/treedisease.xxxx
Iwate M, Yabu D (1997) Changes in water potential in leaves of declining oak trees. Tree and Forest Health 1: 25-31
Tazawa I, Hachiman T (1996) Rot disease. 220-300, (In Shirakami T ed., Diseases of ornamental trees. Tohoku Press)
Yabu D (1997) Diseases of trees and shrubs in Tohoku district. Tohoku Press
Figures and Tables: Figures and tables should be numbered with Arabic numerals in the order they are cited in the text (for example, Fig. 1 or Table 1). Place table number and title above the table, and figure number and caption below the figure. Titles and captions of all figures and tables should also be shown in Japanese in addition to those in English. Vertical lines should not be used to separate columns in the tables. Authors who request color figures in print will be expected to make a contribution toward the extra cost.
Digest in Japanese : The digest in Japanese should not exceed 1 printed page (approximately 1,500 letters). In this section, citing major figures and/or tables in the text is preferred if needed.
Manuscript submission: All manuscripts should be submitted electronically as an e-mail attachment in principle, or by registered post if electronic submission is not possible. Files larger than 10 MB should be attached after compression, or stored on CD or other storage media and sent by registered post. The corresponding author should contact the editorial office if there is no acknowledgement of receipt within 10 days after the submission.
(Revised on December 3, 2022)